Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : PR-0080025
Name(s) of party to be served : Unknown Heirs and all Persons Interested in the Estate of Richard Ehizojie Okoloise, Deceased
Court/County : Galveston County Probate Court (Galveston)
Publication Start Date :  07/02/2020
Publication End Date :  07/03/2020
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GALVESTON PROBATE NO. PR-0080025 CITATION BY PUBLICATION To any Sheriff or any Constable within the State of Texas GREETING: You are hereby commanded to cause to be published, ONCE, not less than ten days before the return day thereof, exclusive of the date of publication, in a newspaper printed in Galveston County, Texas, the accompanying citation, of which the herein below following is a true copy (but if there be no newspaper so print in said county, then that you cause the said citation to be posted for at least TEN days before the return term thereof as required by law). ******************************************************************************************************** TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF RICHARD EHIZOJIE OKOLOISE, DECEASED, No. PR-0080025, in the Probate Court of Galveston County. Margaret Ejihiokhin Okoloise, Applicant in the above numbered and entitled estate, filed an Application to Determine Heirship and Declare who are the Unknown Heirs and Those Heirs Suffering from Legal Disability of the said ESTATE OF RICHARD EHIZOJIE OKOLOISE, DECEASED and their respective shares and interests in this estate. Said application may be heard and acted on by said Court at 10 o'clock A.M. on or after the first Monday next after the expiration of ten days from date of publication of this citation, at the Galveston County Justice Center in Galveston, Texas. All persons interested in said estate are hereby cited to appear before said Honorable Court on or before the above mentioned date and time by filing a written answer or contest to such application should they desire to do so. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law, and the mandates hereof, and make due return as the law directs. Issued under my hand and the seal of the Probate Court of Galveston County, Texas, at the office of the Galveston County Clerk in Galveston, Texas, on October 09, 2019. DWIGHT D. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Probate Court Galveston County, Texas By:/S/ Lauren Y. Goodall Deputy Lauren Y. Goodall