Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : 2019DCV2154
Name(s) of party to be served : LUZ MARIA TRUJILLO
Court/County : 120th District Court - El Paso County (El Paso)
Publication Start Date :  09/30/2020
Publication End Date :  11/09/2020
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

Citation by Publication PUBLISH ONCE A WEEK FOUR (4) CONSECUTIVE WEEKS: EL PASO INC. THE STATE OF TEXAS NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of forty-two (42) days after the date this citation was issued, a default judgment may be taken against you. TO: Luz Maria Trujillo Greetings: You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff’s Original Petition for Declaratory Judgment at or before 10:00 o’clock a.m., Monday the16th day of November, 2020, before the Honorable 120th Judicial District Court of El Paso County, Texas, at the Courthouse of said County in El Paso, Texas. Said Plaintiff’s Petition was filed in said court by ATTORNEY AT LAW, SAUL ANAYA, 3110 TRAWOOD, STE. A, EL PASO, TX 79936 on 06/06/2019 in this case numbered 2019DCV2154 on the docket of said court and styled: Mario Trujillo, Jr. VS Luz Maria Trujillo, Mario Alberto Trujillo, Mariana Trujillo A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: SEE ATTACHED MARIO TRUJILLO JR., Plaintiff vs. LUZ MARIA TRUJILLO, MARIO ALBERTO TRUJILLO, MARIANA TRUJILLO, Defendants; Cause No. 2019-DCV2154, this is a Declaratory Judgment action seeking court approval to set aside the “Settlement and Release Agreement”, dated January 18, 2013. Your interest may be adversely affected by a judgment. As more fully shown by Plaintiff’s Original Petition on this in this suit. as per attached and as is more fully shown by Plaintiff’s Original Petition for Declaratory Judgment on file in this suit. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law and the mandates thereof, and make due return as the law directs. Issued and given under my hand and the seal of said Court at offices in El Paso, Texas, this on this the 28th day of September, 2020. CLERK OF THE COURT Attest: NORMA FAVELA BARCELEAU, District Clerk El Paso County Courthouse NORMA FAVELA BARCELEAU, DISTRICT CLERK 500 East San Antonio, Room 103 El Paso County, Texas El Paso, Texas 79901 /s/ Clarisa Aguirre, Deputy