Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : 2020-DCL-03661-H
Name(s) of party to be served : Miguel Angel Ordonez Alvarez
Court/County : 444th District Court - Cameron County (Cameron)
Publication Start Date :  10/07/2020
Publication End Date :  11/04/2020
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

THE STATE OF TEXAS 2020-DCL-03661-H Ingrid Contreras Saldivar vs Miguel Angel Ordonez Alvarez TO:Miguel Angel Ordonez Alvarez No Known Address, and All Whom it May Concern, Respondents; GREETING: NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 AM on the Monday next following the expiration of 20 days after the date you were served this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you." The petition of Ingrid Contreras Saldivar, Petitioner(s), was filed in the 444th District Court of Cameron County, Texas, on August 04, 2020 against Miguel Angel Ordonez Alvarez, Respondent(s), in the above entitled cause and entitled ‘In the Interest of M.A.O.C. And J.C.O.C., a child (or children).’ The suit requests Original Petition To Terminate Parent-Child Relationship as is more fully shown by Petition on file in this suit.The date and place of birth of the child/children who is/are the subject of the suit is/are: Miguel Angel Ordoñez Contreras DOB: November 9, 2020 Julio Cesar Ordoñez Contreras DOB: December 31, 2012 “The court has authority in this suit to render an order in the child's (children’s) interest that will be binding on you, including the termination of the Parent-child Relationship, the determination of paternity, and the appointment of a conservator with authority to consent to the child's (children’s) adoption.” ISSUED and given under my hand and seal of said Court at Brownsville, Texas, on this 7th day of October , 2020. Elvira S. Ortiz. Cameron County District Clerk. 974 E Harrison St. Brownsville TX 78520. By Deputy: /S/ C. Palacios