Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : 480822
Name(s) of party to be served : Henry Lee Aurthur Newton, III, the known heir of Hermy Lee Aurthur Newton Jr., Deceased
Court/County : Harris County Probate Court No. 2 (Harris)
Publication Start Date :  10/19/2020
Publication End Date :  11/02/2020
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

Greetings… You are hereby commanded to summon Henry Lee Aurthur Newton, III, the known heir of Hermy Lee Aurthur Newton Jr., Deceased whose name and residence and whereabouts are unknown to the plaintiff, Cheryl Newton, by making publication of this citation once, at least ten days previous to the return day hereof, in some newspaper, published in your county, to appear at the next regular term of the County Probate Court No. 2 of Harris County, Texas, after service has been perfected, to be holden in the courthouse thereof, in Houston, Texas, the same being Monday, November 02, 2020, then and there to answer a petition filed in said court on October 16, 2020, in a probate action now pending in said court in the above numbered and styled estate on the probate docket of said court, wherein Cheryl Newton, is plaintiff and Henry Lee Aurthur Newton, III, the known heir of said Hermy Lee Arthur Newton, Jr., Deceased is the defendant; said petition containing allegations as is shown in the attached copy of said petition. Herein fail not, but have you before said court, at the time aforesaid, this writ your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Issued and given under my hand of said court, at Houston, Texas, this on this the 19th day of October, 2020. (SEAL) Chris Hollins, County Clerk County Probate Court No. 2 201 Caroline, Room 800 Harris County, Texas 77002 Angelina Alegria Deputy County Clerk