Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : C49719
Court/County : 29th District Court - Palo Pinto County (Palo Pinto)
Publication Start Date :  11/04/2020
Publication End Date :  12/04/2020
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

NO. C49719 NICHOLAS ALEXANDER IN THE DISTRICT COURT HUDDLESTON, MATTHEW IRISH HUDDLESTON, AND SAVANNA HUDDLESTON ET AL Plaintiff V. 29TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT RAYMOND MUTT HUDDLESTON, NOAH HUDDLESTON, RAYLYNN HUDDLESTON, DYLAN HUDDLESTON, Defendants OF PALO PINTO COUNTY, TEXAS CITATION BY PUBLICATION TO: RAYMOND MUTT HUDDLESTON, NOAH HUDDLESTON, RAYLYNN HUDDLESTON, DYLAN HUDDLESTON, and if dead, the legal representatives of each of said Defendants, and the unknown heirs of said named Defendants; the legal representatives of the unknown heirs of said named Defendants, if the unknown heirs of said named Defendants are dead; the unknown heirs of the unknown heirs of said named Defendants, if the unknown heirs of the unknown heirs of said named Defendants are dead, and their respective unknown spouses, heirs, legal representatives, and each and all persons or corporations claiming any title to or interest in the land hereinafter described, the names and residences of all of whom are unknown, ………….GREETINGS: You are hereby commanded to appear before the Honorable District Court of Palo Pinto County, Texas, to be held at the Courthouse of said County, in the City of Palo Pinto, Palo Pinto County, Texas, by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff’s petition, at or before ten o’clock A.M. of the first Monday next after the date of the service of this citation, then and there to answer Plaintiff’s petition, in this Cause Number C49719, on the docket of said Court, and the styled NICHOLAS ALEXANDER HUDDLESTON, MATTHEW IRISH HUDDLESTON, AND SAVANNA HUDDLESTON, VS. RAYMOND MUTT HUDDLESONT, NOAH HUDDLESTON, RAYLYNN HUDDLESTON, DYLAN HUDDLESTON, ET AL. A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows: Suit in statutory form for the partition by sale, for attorney’s fees and cost of suit, on the following described lands in Palo Pinto County, Texas, to-wit: Being all of Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block Q of the Skeen Addition to the City of Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto County, Texas according to a plat duly filed thereof. The officer executing this process shall promptly execute the same according to law and make due return as the law directs, and if this process is not served within ninety days from date of issuance, it shall be returned unserved. ISSUED AND GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID COURT, at office, in Palo Pinto County, Texas, this the 4th day of November, 2020. Sherry Roberson Clerk of the District Court, Palo Pinto County, Texas By /s/ Heather Corliss, Deputy