Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : C49768
Court/County : 29th District Court - Palo Pinto County (Palo Pinto)
Publication Start Date :  12/28/2020
Publication End Date :  01/29/2021
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

NO. C49768 ROBERT D PARSONS, IN THE DISTRICT COU RT PLAINTIFF, V 29TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT PATRICIA BAYLEY BRENT, aka OF PALO PINTO COUNTY, TEXAS PATRICIA BAYLEY, aka PATRICIA ELIZABETH BRENT, aka JANEEN ELIZABETH BRENT, aka JANINE PATRICIA ELIZABETH BRENT, GRACE V. HOPE, AGNES MCCLUNG MESSIMER, J.J. DONIGAN, AND THEIR UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEFENDANTS CITATION BY PU BLICATION TO: PATRICIA BAYLEY BRENT, aka PATRICIA BAYLEY, aka PATRICIA ELIZABETH BRENT, aka JANEEN ELIZABETH BRENT, aka JANINE PATRICIA ELIZABETH BRENT, GRACE V. HOPE, AGNES MCCLUNG MESSIMER, J.J. DONIGAN, AND THEIR UNKNOWN HEIRS, and if dead, the legal representatives of each of said Defendants, and the unknown heirs of said named Defendants, and their respective unknown spouses, heirs, legal representatives, and each and all persons or corporations claiming any title to or interest in the land hereinafter described, the names and residences of all of whom arc unknown, .....................GREETINGS: You are hereby commanded to appear before the Honorable District Court of Palo Pinto County, Texas, to be held at the Courthouse of said County, i n the City of Palo Pinto, Palo Pinto County, Texas, by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff’s petition, at or before ten o'clock A.M. on the first Monday next after the expiration of forty-two days from the date of the issuance of this citation, same being the 8th day of February, 2021, then and there to answer Plaintiff's petition, in this Cause Number C49768, on the docket of said Court, and the styled ROBERT D PARSONS V PATRICIA BAYLEY BRENT, aka PATRICIA BAYLEY, aka PATRICIA ELIZABETH BRENT, aka JANEEN ELIZABETH BRENT, aka JANINE PATRICIA ELIZABETH BRENT, GRACE V. HOPE, AGNES MCCLUNG MESSIMER, J.J. DONIGAN, AND THEIR UNKNOWN HEIRS. A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows: PLAINTIFF’S ORIGINAL PETITION TO QUIET TITLE Suit in statutory form of trespass to try title, for damages, and for cost of suit, on the following described lands in Palo Pinto County, Texas, to-wit: Of a 10.459 acres tract of land out of the T. & N.O. RR. Co. Survey No. 201, Abstract No. 696, Palo Pinto County, Texas; being held and claimed on the ground and under fence and being bound on the west by a certain 5.0 acres tract (Tract 1) and a certain 5.0 acres tract (Tract 2) and on the north by a certain 5.0 acres tract (Tract 3) all described in Volume 2113, Page 401 and on the east and south by a certain 225.987 acres tract described in Volume 2037, Page 55, both in the Official Public Records of Palo Pinto County, Texas; and being further described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a set ½” iron rod at the northeast corner of said Tract 1 (v. 2113, P. 401) and at the southwest corner of said Tract 3 (V. 2113, P. 401) and at the southeast corner of a certain 7.733 acres tract described in Volume 1230, Page 681 of said Official Public Records for the northwest and beginning corner of this tract. Whence the northwest corner of a 5 cares tract deeded to T.A. Sawyer in Volume 17, Page 101 of the Deed Records of Palo Pinto County, Texas is called to bear S. 88 deg. 33 min. 57 sec. W 726.38, North 2751.74 feet and West 25.00 feet and the northeast corner of the A. Ferguson Survey, Abstract No. 179 is called to bear S. 88 deg. 33 min. 57 sec. W 726.38 and N. 00 deg. 42 min. 04 sec. W. 1541.21 feet and the most southerly southwest corner of said T. & N.O. RR. Co. Survey No. 201 bears S. 88 deg. 33 min. 57 sec. W. 751.38 and South 618.69 feet. Thence N. 88 deg. 33 min. 57 sec. E 742.27 feet to a set 60D nail in the west line of said 225.987 acres tract and at the southeast corner of said Tract 3 (V. 2113, P. 401) for the northeast corner of this tract. Thence S. 00 deg. 10 min. 45 sec. E. 612.84 feet to a found ½” iron rod at an ell corner of said 225.987 acres tract for the southeast corner of this tract. Thence S. 88 deg. 20 min. 02 sec. W. 741.35 feet along a north line of said 225.987 acres tract to a set 60D nail at the southeast corner of said Tract 2 (V. 2113, P. 401) for the southwest corner of this tract. Thence N. 00 deg. 16 min. 16 sec. W 615.82 feet to the place of beginning. Plaintiff’s pleading, the twenty-five (25) years statute of limitation, all of which is more fully shown by Plaintiff’s petition on file in this cause. The officer executing this process shall promptly execute the same according to law and make due return as the law directs, and if this process is not served within ninety days from date of issuance, it shall be returned unserved. ISSUED AND G IVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID COU RT, at office, in Palo Pinto County, Texas, this the 28th day of December, 2020. Sherry Roberson Clerk of the District Court Palo Pinto County, Texas by Heather Corliss Deputy