Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : P20324
Name(s) of party to be served : UNKNOW HEIRS OF THE ESTATE OF ALICE JUNE INGLE
Court/County : Midland County Court (Midland)
Publication Start Date :  08/21/2020
Publication End Date :  08/24/2020
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

CITATION BY PUBLICATION – DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP The State of Texas § JUSTIN DOLAN , Applicant’s Attorney County of Midland § 300 N. MARIENFELD STE. 700 § MIDLAND, TX 79701 To all persons interested in the estate of ALICE JUNE INGLE, Deceased Cause No. P20324 in COUNTY COURT, Midland County, Texas The alleged heir(s) at law in the above-numbered and entitled estate filed an Application to Determine Heirship in this estate on 8/20/2020, requesting that the Court determine who are the heirs and only heirs of ALICE JUNE INGLE, Deceased, and their respective shares and interests in such estate. The court may act on this application at any call of the docket on or after 10:00a.m. 9/07/2020, which is the first Monday next after the expiration of 10 days from the date of posting this citation, at the Midland County Courthouse, 500 N. Loraine, Midland, Texas 79701. All persons interested in this case are cited to appear before this Honorable Court by filing a written contest or answer to this Application should they desire to do so. To ensure its consideration, you or your attorney must file any objection, intervention, or response in writing with the County Clerk of Midland County, Texas on or before the above-noted date and time. Given under by hand and seal of the COUNTY COURT of Midland County, Texas at the office of the Midland County Clerk in Midland, Texas on August 21st 2020. Alison Haley County Clerk, Midland County, Texas P.O. Box 1350, Midland, Texas 79702 By:______________________Deputy SHON BRENT