Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : 20-CPR-034976
Name(s) of party to be served : The Unknown Heirs of Charles Skaggs, also known as Charles Russell Skaggs and Charles R Skaggs, Deceased
Court/County : Fort Bend County Court at Law No. 5 (Fort Bend)
Publication Start Date :  10/23/2020
Publication End Date :  11/16/2020
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

CAUSE NO. 20-CPR-034976 THE STATE OF TEXAS ESTATE OF CHARLES SKAGGS, ALSO KNOWN AS CHARLES RUSSELL SKAGGS AND CHARLES R SKAGGS, DECEASED YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO SUMMON THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF Charles Skaggs also known as Charles Russell Skaggs and Charles R Skaggs, all of whose names, residences, and whereabouts are unknown to Plaintiff(s), James Randel Skaggs by publication of this Citation once, at least ten (10) days previous to the return day hereof, in some newspaper published in your County, to appear at the next regular term of the County Court at Law 5 sitting as the Probate Court of Fort Bend County, Texas, after service has been perfected, to be held in the Fort Bend County Justice Center, 1422 Eugene Heimann Circle, thereof in Richmond, Texas, the same being Monday, the 16th day of November, 2020, then and there to file a written contest or answer to the Amended Application filed in said Court on the 22nd day of October, 2020, in a probate action now pending in said Court in the above numbered and styled Estate on the Probate Docket of said Court, wherein, James Randel Skaggs is Plaintiff and the UNKNOWN HEIRS of said Deceased are the Defendants; allegations as shown in said Amended Application now on file in the Fort Bend County Clerk’s office. HEREIN FAIL NOT, but have you before said Court, at the time aforesaid, this Writ, with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID COURT, at office in Richmond, Texas, this the 23rd day of October, 2020. LAURA RICHARD, COUNTY CLERK FORT BEND COUNTY, TEXAS PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 1422 EUGENE HEIMANN CIRCLE MAILING ADDRESS: 301 JACKSON, SUITE 101 RICHMOND, TX 77469-3108 By: /s/ Kimberly Adams, Deputy