Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : 20200337PR1
Court/County : McLennan County Court (McLennan)
Publication Start Date :  07/20/2020
Publication End Date :  08/10/2020
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

THE STATE OF TEXAS To any Sheriff or any Constable within the State of Texas-----GREETING: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to cause to be published, ONCE, not less than ten days before the return day thereof, exclusive of the date of publication, in a newspaper of general circulation printed and/or published in McLennan County, Texas, the accompanying citation, of which the herein below is a true copy. __________________________________________________________________________________________ CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE of WANDA CHRISTOPHERSON, deceased; TO ANY UNKNOWN HEIRS of WANDA CHRISTOPHERSON, deceased; TO ANY NON-RESIDENT HEIRS of WANDA CHRISTOPHERSON, deceased; and TO ANY HEIRS of WANDA CHRISTOPHERSON, deceased, WITHOUT THE STATE OF TEXAS. No. 20200337PR1 County Court of McLennan County, Texas On the 17th day of July, 2020, Larry Elkins, “Applicant” filed an APPLICATION FOR PROBATE OF A WILL AND APPOINTMENT OF AN INDEPENDENT EXECUTOR for the probate of the will of Wanda Christopherson, “Decedent” and for the issuance of letters testamentary to show the Court the following: The Applicant is domiciled in Plano, Colin County, Texas and is named in Decedents Will as Independent Executor without bond, and is not disqualified by law from accepting letters testamentary. The Decedent died in McLennan County, Texas, on July 5, 2020, at the age of eighty (80) years. At the time of death, the decedent resided and was domiciled in Waco, McLennan County, Texas, which places the venue of this proceeding in such county. At the time of death, the Decedent owned property of a probable value in excess of $5,000.00, consisting of cash and personal property. The Decedent left a written will dated January 28, 1999, a copy of which was filed with the application. The subscribing witnesses are Bryan D. Adams and Melinda A. Suchecki. Such will is self-proved in the manner prescribed by law. The Applicant has made a diligent search for the signed original will dated January 28, 1999, and has been unable to locate it. Applicant believes the original will may have been inadvertently destroyed and that the Decedent did not destroy the will or revoke the will prior to her death. The contents of the original will are substantially set forth in the photocopy. The photocopy of such will is in complete and missing pages 3 and 4. Since the original cannot by any reasonable diligence be produced, Applicant requests that the will dated January 28, 1999, be probated as a written will not produced in Court and the Court declare the contents of such Will are identical to the photocopy. The sole devisee named in the Will is the Christopherson Family Trust, which is currently in existence. The four children of the Decedent listed are the only beneficiaries of the Christopherson Family Trust, in equal shares, with the exception of Chris Elkins’ share passing into special needs trust for his benefit rather to him outright. The name, age, marital status, address and relationship of each child of the Decedent and beneficiary of the Christopherson Family Trust are as follows: Tony Elkins, 60, Married, an Adult Child at: 4613 Green Oaks Drive, Colleyville, Texas 76034; Larry Elkins, 57, Married, an Adult Child at: 7028 Grand Hollow Drive, Plano, Texas 76024; Chris Elkins, 53, Single, an Adult Child at: 3209 Village Green Drive, Apt. 228, Waco, Texas 76710; Rita Elkins, 39, Marital Status Unknown, an Adult Child, believed to be a transient Person. The name, age, marital status, address and relationship of each person who would inherit as an heir in the absence of a valid Will are as follows: Tony Elkins, 60, Married, an Adult Child at: 4613 Green Oaks Drive, Colleyville, Texas 76034; Larry Elkins, 57, Married, an Adult Child at: 7028 Grand Hollow Drive, Plano, Texas 76024; Chris Elkins, 53, Single, an Adult Child at: 3209 Village Green Drive, Apt. 228, Waco, Texas 76710; Rita Elkins, 39, Marital Status Unknown, an Adult Child, believed to be a transient Person. It is anticipated that all other heirs will file appearances in this proceeding. No child was born to or adopted by the Decedent subsequent to the making of such Will. No marriage of the Decedent was dissolved after the Will was made. Neither state nor governmental agency of the state nor a charitable organization is named in the Will as a devisee. No necessity exists for the appointment of appraisers. A necessity exists for an administration of the Decedent’s Estate. The name of, state of residence of and physical address where service can be had on the Independent Executor are: Larry Elkins, State of Residence: Texas; Physical Address: 7028 Grand Hollow Drive, Plano, Texas 76024. The Applicant prays that citation be issued as required by law and that, upon hearing hereof, the Will be admitted to probate, Applicant be appointed Independent Executor of such Will and Estate, without bond, and letters of testamentary be issued accordingly. Said Application will be heard and acted on by said Court at 10:00 a.m. on the first Monday next after the expiration of ten days from date of publishing this citation, the same being the 08/10/2020 at the Courthouse thereof in Waco, McLennan County, Texas, at which time and place all persons interested in this Application For Probate Of A Will And Appointment Of An Independent Executor, are hereby cited and required to appear by filing a written answer and contest to said application. THE OFFICER EXECUTING THIS WRIT SHALL PROMPTLY SERVE AND MAKE DUE RETURN. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID COURT at the office in Waco, McLennan County, Texas, this the 20th day of July, 2020.