Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : 25,522
Name(s) of party to be served : Unknown Heirs of Freddy Lee Collins and Freddy LuWayne Collins, Deceased
Court/County : 88th District Court - Tyler County (Tyler)
Publication Start Date :  11/12/2020
Publication End Date :  12/10/2020
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO: The Unknown Heirs of Freddy Lee Collins and the Unknown Heirs of Freddy LuWayne Collins (Deceased), Greeting: YOU (AND EACH OF YOU) ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear before the District Court of Tyler County at the Courthouse being located at 100 West Bluff, in the City of Woodville, Tyler County, Texas, by filing a written answer at or before 10 o’clock A.M. of the first Monday next after the expiration of forty-two days from the date of the issuance of this citation, the date for answer being the 28th day of December, A.D. 2020, to Plaintiff’s Petition filed in said court, on the 27th day of October, A.D. 2020, in this cause numbered 25,522 on the docket of said court and styled Beverly Degarmo, Plaintiff v. Susan Kay Collins, Mary Helen Collins, The Unknown Heirs of Freddy Lee Collins, and The Unknown Heirs of Freddy LuWayne Collins, Deceased A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to-wit: Plaintiff is seeking to enforce a loan agreement on property described as: A lot out of the Parker-Parrish Subdivision in the Benjamin Burke League, Abstract No. 8, Tyler County, Texas. Said lot being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the most Northern corner of a tract conveyed to John H. Evans, III, by H. Fults, et ux, out of said Survey in the West right of way of Holly Lane Road and the South right of way of another Street, a pipe for corner; THENCE South 65 deg. 00 min. East with the West right of way of said Holly Lane at 77 feet pass the Eastern corner of the Fults tract and at 152 feet in all, a pipe for the Eastern corner of a tract conveyed to Evans by Luke Parrish, at a fence corner; THENCE South 30 deg. 00 min. West at 251.7 feet a pipe for the Southern corner of the Parrish tract; THENCE North 54 deg. 30 min. West at 203.4 feet a pipe for the Western corner of the Parrish tract in the South right of way of a street; THENCE North 43 deg. 00 min. East with the Couth right of way street at 51 feet a pipe for corner at bend in said street; THENCE North 41 deg. 00 min. East with said South right of way street at 25 feet pass an ell corner of Parrish and West corner of Fults tracts and at 175 feet in all the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and being locally known as 190 CR 4090, a/k/a Rt. 2 Box 233 Holly Lane, Woodville, Tyler County, Texas 75979. As is more fully shown by Plaintiff’s Petition on file in this suit. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law, and the mandates thereof, and make due return as the law directs. Witness, Chyrl Pounds, Clerk of the District Court of Tyler County, Texas. Issued and given under my hand and the seal of said court at office this the 9th day of November, A.D. 2020. Chyrl Pounds, Clerk District Court, Tyler County, Texas By: Aleena Conner, Deputy 100 West Bluff, Room 203 Woodville, Texas 75979 NOTICE “You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 A.M. on the Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you.” Attorney for Plaintiff Zach Celeste P. O. Box 3708 Beaumont, TX 77704