Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : 53652-C
Name(s) of party to be served : Bizimana Rutayomba
Court/County : 326th District Court - Taylor County (Taylor)
Publication Start Date :  12/16/2020
Publication End Date :  01/20/2021
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

The suit request: The Petitioner in this case is Felix Ndayi, the paternal uncle and current custodian of the Children who are the subject of this suit. Respondents: Bizimana Rutayomba is the biological father of the children and Nyiramazahabu Akiza is the biological mother. Petitioner requests that this Court make specific factual findings in protection of the Children’s best interests. Reunification between the Children and their biological parents is not viable due to neglect and abandonment. Irakoze Dan Ngendenseka is an 18 year old male native of Rwanda. His younger brother, David Mbonimpa, is a 15 year old native of Rwanda. Both are subject of this suit and have been neglected and abandoned by both their biological father and mother, who may reside in Rwanda. Both biological parents have not been a part of the Children’s lives since the Children were sixteen and thirteen years old. Niether biological parent has provided financial support of the Children and have failed to provide for the future financial needs of the Children. Due to harsh country conditions in Rwanda, the Children remained in conditions or surroundings which endangered their physical and emotional well-being since their biological parents were not there to provide support for them. It is not in the best interest of these Children to be returned to Rwanda and/or their birth parents, as they have engaged in a pattern of neglect and abandonment and are unqualified to be appointed as conservators for the Children. It is in the best interest of the Children that Petitioner, Felix Ndayi, be appointed sole managing conservator of the Children, with all of the rights set forth.