Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : 2020-02195J
Name(s) of party to be served : VIRGINIA GONZALEZ, mother of the children, ANDREA GONZALEZ, VERONICA BOTELLO, MAURO BOTELLO, JR. and GUADALUPE GONZALEZ and MAURO BOELLO, alleged father of the children, VERONICA BOTELLO and MARURO BOTELLO, JR., Respondents (s)
Court/County : 314th District Court - Harris County (Harris)
Publication Start Date :  12/30/2020
Publication End Date :  01/20/2021
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

CAUSE NUMBER: 2020-02195J Tracking #82948777 #82948778 Plaintiff(s): TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN THE 314TH JUDICIAL vs. DISTRICT COURT OF Defendant(s): GONZALEZ, VIRGINIA HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Harris To: VIRGINIA GONZALEZ, mother of the children, ANDREA GONZALEZ, VERONICA BOTELLO, MAURO BOTELLO, JR. and GUADALUPE GONZALEZ and MAURO BOELLO, alleged father of the children, VERONICA BOTELLO and MARURO BOTELLO, JR., Respondents (s) AND TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the District Clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of 20 days after you were served this citation and ORIGINAL PETITION FOR PROTECTIONOF A CHILD FRO CONSERVATORSHIP, AND FOR TERMINATION IN SUIT AFFECTING THE PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP, a default judgment may be taken against you. The petition of Department of Family and Protective Services, Petitioner, was filed in the 314th District Court Of Harris County, Texas, 314th Judicial District Court Of Harris County. The Juvenile Justice Center 1200 Congress, 5th Floor, Houston, Harris County Texas on the 18th day of November, 2020 against Respondent(s) VIRGINIA GONZALEZ, mother of the children, ANDREA GONZALEZ, VERONICA BOTELLO, MAURO BOTELLO, JR. and GUADALUPE GONZALEZ and MAURO BOELLO, alleged father of the children, VERONICA BOTELLO and MARURO BOTELLO, JR., numbered 2020-02195J and entitled, “In the Interest of ANDREA GONZALEZ, VERONICA BOTELLO, MAURO BOTELLO, JR., AND GUADALUPE GONZALEZ, children.” The suit requests orders for the protection of the child, for appointment of conservators and for termination of the parent child relationship. The date and place of birth of the child who is the subject of the suit: ANDREA GONZALEZ F March 29, 2007 Houston Harris County, Texas VERONICA BOTELLO F March 22, 2008 Houston Harris County, Texas MAURO BOTELLO, JR M June 18, 2009 Houston Harris County, Texas GUADALUPE GONZALEZ F August 11, 2011 Houston Harris County, Texas The Court has authority in this suit to render an order in the child’s interest that will be binding on you, including termination of the parent child relationship, the determination of paternity, and the appointment of a conservator with authority to consent to the child’s adoption. ISSUED AND GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID COURT AT HOUSTON, TEXAS, THIS 30th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2020 NEWSPAPER: DAILY COURT REVIEW ISSUED AT THE REQUEST OF: VINCE RYAN, HARRIS COUNTY ATTORNEY Bar Number: 99999939 ADDRESS: 1019 Congress, 15th Floor Houston, Texas 77002