Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : 61778
Name(s) of party to be served : LONNIE SMITH
Court/County : 356th District Court - Hardin County (Hardin)
Publication Start Date :  01/12/2021
Publication End Date :  01/25/2021
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS CAUSE NO: 61778 IN THE INTEREST OF: D.J.M. & J.H.M. § 356TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT § § COUNTY OF HARDIN IMPORTANT NOTICE: "YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. YOU MAY EMPLOY AN ATTORNEY. IF YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY DO NOT FILE AN A WRITTEN ANSWER WITH THE CLERK WHO ISSED THIS CITATION BY 10:00 A.M. ON THE MONDAY NEXT FOLLOWING THE EXPIRATION OF 20 DAYS AFTER YOU WERE SERVED THIS CITATION AND PETITION, A DEFAULT JUDGMENT MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU." TO: LONNIE SMITH, Respondent(s), Greetings: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED appear before 356TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT of HARDIN COUNTY, TEXAS, at the Courthouse located at 300 Monroe St. of said County in the City of Kountze, Hardin County, Texas, by filing a written answer at or before 10:00 o’clock A.M. of the Monday next after the expiration of twenty (20) days from the date of service of this citation then and there to answer the Petition of DELORES MESSER filed in said court on 9/29/2020, in Cause No. 61778 on the docket of said court, styled: IN THE INTEREST OF: D.J.M. & J.H.M. the nature of which suit is a request to PETITION IN SUIT AFFECTING THE PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP. The date and place of birth of the child (children) who is (are) the subject of the suit: CHILDREN DATE OF BIRTH DARRELL MESSER JAMES MESSER XX/XX/2016 XX-XX/2018 “The court has the authority in this suit to render an order in the child’s (children’s) interest that will be binding on you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determination of paternity, and the appointment of a conservator with authority to consent to the child’s (children’s) adoption.” ISSUED AND GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID COURT AT KOUNTZE, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 12th day of January, 2021. Dana Hogg, District Clerk Hardin County, Texas P.O. Box 2997 Kountze, Texas By___J STEWART_______________________ JANN STEWART, DEPUTY CLERK ATTORNEY OF RECORD: DELORES MESSER, PRO SE Cause No. 61778 356TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT Hardin County, Texas IN THE INTEREST OF: D.J.M. & J.H.M. CITATION BY PUBLICATION Issued this 12th day of January, 2021 DANA HOGG, DISTRICT CLERK 356TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT Hardin County, Texas By JANN STEWART, DEPUTY CLERK ATTORNEY OF RECORD: DELORE MESSER, PRO SE SHERIFF’S RETURN Came to hand on the ______ day of ____________________A.D, 20___, at___________ o’clock ____.M. and I executed the within Citation, by publishing the same in the _____________________________, a newspaper published in the State of Texas, the County of _____________________. Said publication was made respectively on the ______day of _________________________, A.D. 20__ and remained for a period of 7 days, said citation having been removed on the ______day of _________________________ A.D. 20__, and a printed copy thereof is returned herewith. ________________________________________________ FEES: $ __________ Sheriff / Constable _________________________________ County, Texas By __________________________________Deputy