Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : PR07546
Name(s) of party to be served : ANY UNKNOWN HEIRS OF DUDLEY GARDNER Deceased, their executors, administrators, heirs, assignees, and to all person interested in the ESTATE OF STEPHEN DUDLEY GARDNER, Deceased
Court/County : Young County Court (Young)
Publication Start Date :  01/14/2021
Publication End Date :  01/25/2021
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

APPLICATIONS TO DETERMINE HEIRSHIP has been filed by GARY S. GARDNER SAME is now pending in the County Court of Young County, Texas, as Cause No. PR07546, styled 'In the Estate of STEPHEN DUDLEY GARDNER Deceased"; and the general nature of the proceeding is to determine who are the heirs and only of STEPHEN DUDLEY GARDNER Deceased, and their respective shares and interests in the Estate. This Citation by Publication is returnable to said Court on the first Monday following ten (10) days after the date of publication, exclusive of the date of publication and said application may be acted upon by the Court in the County Courtroom at the Young County Courthouse in Graham, Texas any UNKNOWN HEIRS and persons interested in this Estate should appear at the same time and place herein stated by filing a written contest or answer to said Application with the County Clerk should they desire to do so. If this Citation is not served within (30) days after the date of its issuance, is shall be returned unserved. ISSUED under my hand and seal of said Court at Young County Texas on the 14th day of January, 2021. Young County Clerk Kay Hardin