Citation/Notice Details

Cause Number : B190392-C
Name(s) of party to be served : Andrew Riedel
Court/County : 163rd District Court - Orange County (Orange)
Publication Start Date :  07/30/2020
Publication End Date :  08/17/2020
Status : Return Issued
Citation/Notice Text :

THE STATE OF TEXAS TO: Andrew Riedel 12962 HWY 12 Orange, TX 77632 Respondent, NOTICE: YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. You may employ an attorney. If you or your Attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 A.M. on the Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days from the date of issuance of this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you. You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff’s Petition at or before 10:00 A.M. on the Monday next after the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation the same being September 14, 2020. Said ANSWER may be filed with the District Clerk’s Office, Orange County Courthouse, 801 W Division Ave, Orange Texas 77630. Said Plaintiff's Original Petition and Request for Disclosure was filed and docketed in the Honorable 163rd District Court of Orange County, Texas at the District Clerk’s Office at the Orange County Courthouse, 801 W Division Ave, Orange, Texas on September 18, 2019 in the following styled and numbered cause: The suit requests Defendant, Andrew Riedel, be served and cited to appear and answer herein, and that upon final trial of this cause, Plaintiff be awarded judgment against Defendant. CAUSE NO. 190392-C John Allen Decker VS. Andrew Riedel The name and address of the attorney for Plaintiff otherwise the address of Plaintiff is: Michael J. Lowenberg 5433 Westheimer Road, Suite 900 Houston, TX 77056 ISSUED AND GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court at Orange, Texas, July 30, 2020. VICKIE EDGERLY, District Clerk Orange County, Texas